: First volume of my collection { Book—Vinyl } : DONT WORRY BE ANGRRY :
← ↑ ↓→ E A R A C H E with full∼lengh ALBUM starring 6 french bands for 19 fresh chansongs {that only a small part can be heard on the player} > TEAR OF A DOLL, FORGUETTE MI NOTE, KING BISCUIT, COCHE BOMBA, COPYRIGHT and PLEÛM.
← ↑ ↓→ E Y E A C H E with a cool BOOK of 40 pages —printed Black&White, 12” size— collecting various graphic arghtists { drawing, photography, collage, writing, modelage, montage, painting, etc. } > PAQUITO BOLINO, STPH DELEVACQUE, CAROLINE WÉDIER, THIERRY GUITARD, FREDOX, QUELQUES UNS, LAËTITIA BROCHIER, DENIS GRRR, BERTRAND LAIDAIN, FRANÇOIS POULAIN, CRIBIS, BESSERON, POCH & SHUN, #, GWENAËLLE, AMBRE, TAPAGE, MAUREEN, BEN&, CRIPPA…
→ This is the last copies of this debut volume, with the idea∼wish of a new selection∼creation∼extension, before 2027… Patience.
To receive digital files with your purchase → Email me |
First & last press∼print of 1000 LP+BOOK |
Manufactured, pressed∼printed & distributed since 1997 |
GRr 002 |
s i d e A
Tear Of A Doll | Til The Bird Is Reduced To A Thin Sheet Of Feathers…
Tear Of A Doll | Keruletem
Tear Of A Doll | Le Creux Cynique Du Larfeuil
Forguette Mi Note | Autruche Newton
Forguette Mi Note | What Against What
King Biscuit | 100% Recycled Bovine
King Biscuit | No Way
King Biscuit | Jim Cop
King Biscuit | Postponed Payment Purchase
s i d e B
Coche Bomba | Social Traître
Coche Bomba | La Guerra
Coche Bomba | America
Copyright | You Make Me Sick ! (Shhhkrrrsshhkkrr)
Copyright | Disgust
Copyright | ? Why ?
Copyright | We Do Nothing
Pleûm | Ah ! Tu Commences À M’Faire…
Pleûm | En Cas De Glace, Incendier Le Marteau
Pleûm | La Police